So, you're an ESO player and you want your AddOns to be always up-to-date. Or you want to download your favorite AddOns on another computer? Maybe you just want to share your AddOns with another player?
Now, that's super easy with new all-new Download script, written by me![Smile](
How to use
The script always downloads the latest version. So you can simply execute the script again to update your favorite AddOns. No additional tools required. (The Minion program from ESOUI never worked for me anyway).
How do I find the AddOn IDs?
That is very simple as well. Let's say, you want to add "AutoInvite - Updated" to your list. You go to the official ESOUI website for this particular AddOn (
And here in this URL you can already find the ID. Where it says "info2633", the 2633 is the ID you want to add to the script in line 3. And that's already it. No magic, no super complex technical knowledge required.
The example IDs in the script are downloading "Much Smarter AutoLoot" + it dependencies.
Have fun!
Now, that's super easy with new all-new Download script, written by me
$esoAddonsFolder = "$([Environment]::GetFolderPath("MyDocuments"))\Elder Scrolls Online\live\AddOns" $localDownloadFolder = "$([Environment]::GetFolderPath("MyDocuments"))\Elder Scrolls Online\live\AddOnsDownload" $addonIDs = @(3367,7,2161,2932) function Get-DownloadLink([int]$FileID) { $d = "$FileID" return $d } Write-Host "Thank you for using the ESOUI download script." Write-Host "Make sure, you've entered add your desired AddOn IDs within this script in line 3." Read-Host "Press ENTER to start downloading the most recent versions of your ESO Add-Ons" Write-Host "Checking if the download folder '$localDownloadFolder' exists..." if ((Test-Path $localDownloadFolder) -ne $True) { Write-Host "Creating the download folder '$localDownloadFolder'..." New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $localDownloadFolder } Write-Host "Searching and deleting old ZIP files in the download folder..." Get-ChildItem -Path $localDownloadFolder -Filter *.zip | ForEach-Object { Remove-Item $_.FullName -Force } Write-Host "Downloading the files..." foreach ($id in $addonIDs) { $download = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri (Get-DownloadLink -FileID $id) -UseBasicParsing $fileName = ([System.Net.Mime.ContentDisposition]::new($download.Headers["Content-Disposition"])).FileName $file = [System.IO.FileStream]::new((Join-Path -Path $localDownloadFolder -ChildPath $fileName), [System.IO.FileMode]::Create) $file.Write($download.Content, 0, $download.RawContentLength) $file.Close() Write-Host "`tSaved $fileName ($($download.RawContentLength) bytes) to disk." } Write-host Write-Host "Extracting ZIP files to $esoAddonsFolder..." Get-ChildItem -Path $localDownloadFolder -Filter *.zip | ForEach-Object { Write-Host "`t$($_.Name) extracted." Expand-Archive $_.FullName -DestinationPath $esoAddonsFolder -Force }
- Create a new file somewhere on your computer. Make sure the file extension is "ps1" - For example "ESO_Download_Addons.ps1"
- Copy & Paste the above script into the new file
- In line 3, you have a bunch of numbers. These are the AddOn IDs you can find on Replace them with your favorite AddOn IDs
- Save end exit the file. Right click on it and select "Open with PowerShell".
- That's it!
The script always downloads the latest version. So you can simply execute the script again to update your favorite AddOns. No additional tools required. (The Minion program from ESOUI never worked for me anyway).
How do I find the AddOn IDs?
That is very simple as well. Let's say, you want to add "AutoInvite - Updated" to your list. You go to the official ESOUI website for this particular AddOn (
And here in this URL you can already find the ID. Where it says "info2633", the 2633 is the ID you want to add to the script in line 3. And that's already it. No magic, no super complex technical knowledge required.
The example IDs in the script are downloading "Much Smarter AutoLoot" + it dependencies.
Have fun!